Taming mult
Food Rate mult

Allosaurus Food


The Favorite Kibble For (Allosaurus) is (Superior Kibble) and if you feed him this your Allosaurus will Effect (99%) .

QuantityTimeNarcoberryNarcoticsBio Toxin
Superior Kibble
Superior Kibble
1843 min000
Raw Mutton
Raw Mutton
391 hr and 27 min3198040
Raw Prime Meat
Raw Prime Meat
481 hr and 48 min52013065
Raw Prime Fish Meat
Raw Prime Fish Meat
1202 hr and 15 min78719698
Cooked Lamb Chop
Cooked Lamb Chop
722 hr and 42 min1053262131
Cooked Prime Meat
Cooked Prime Meat
963 hr and 36 min1586395198
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
2404 hr and 38 min2196547274
Raw Meat
Raw Meat
1445 hr and 24 min2658662331
Cooked Fish Meat
Cooked Fish Meat
7206 hr and 45 min3459862431
Cooked Meat
Cooked Meat
2885 hr and 24 min2658662331
Raw Fish Meat
Raw Fish Meat
3606 hr and 45 min3459862431
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