Taming mult
Food Rate mult

Purlovia Food


The Favorite Kibble For (Purlovia) is (Regular Kibble) and if you feed him this your Purlovia will Effect (99%) .

QuantityTimeNarcoberryNarcoticsBio Toxin
Regular Kibble
Regular Kibble
1835 min000
Raw Mutton
Raw Mutton
381 hr and 11 min000
Raw Prime Meat
Raw Prime Meat
481 hr and 30 min851910
Raw Prime Fish Meat
Raw Prime Fish Meat
1191 hr and 51 min2014422
Cooked Lamb Chop
Cooked Lamb Chop
712 hr and 12 min3156935
Cooked Prime Meat
Cooked Prime Meat
952 hr and 57 min55612161
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
2383 hr and 49 min83118090
Raw Meat
Raw Meat
1434 hr and 28 min1039225113
Cooked Fish Meat
Cooked Fish Meat
7135 hr and 34 min1393302151
Cooked Meat
Cooked Meat
2854 hr and 27 min1034224112
Raw Fish Meat
Raw Fish Meat
3575 hr and 34 min1395302151
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