Taming mult
Food Rate mult

Terror Bird Food

Terror Bird

The Favorite Kibble For (Terror Bird) is (Regular Kibble) and if you feed him this your Terror Bird will Effect (99%) .

QuantityTimeNarcoberryNarcoticsBio Toxin
Regular Kibble
Regular Kibble
1523 min2657940
Raw Mutton
Raw Mutton
3248 min61718392
Raw Prime Meat
Raw Prime Meat
401 hr793235118
Raw Prime Fish Meat
Raw Prime Fish Meat
991 hr and 14 min1002297149
Cooked Lamb Chop
Cooked Lamb Chop
591 hr and 28 min1209358179
Cooked Prime Meat
Cooked Prime Meat
791 hr and 58 min1648488244
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
1972 hr and 31 min2138633317
Raw Meat
Raw Meat
1182 hr and 57 min2508742371
Cooked Fish Meat
Cooked Fish Meat
5903 hr and 41 min3156934467
Cooked Meat
Cooked Meat
2362 hr and 57 min2508742371
Raw Fish Meat
Raw Fish Meat
2953 hr and 41 min3156934467
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