Taming mult
Food Rate mult

Quetzal Food


The Favorite Kibble For (Quetzal) is (Exceptional Kibble) and if you feed him this your Quetzal will Effect (99%) .

QuantityTimeNarcoberryNarcoticsBio Toxin
Exceptional Kibble
Exceptional Kibble
541 hr and 37 min1187373187
Raw Mutton
Raw Mutton
1153 hr and 15 min2761867434
Raw Prime Meat
Raw Prime Meat
1434 hr and 3 min35281108554
Raw Prime Fish Meat
Raw Prime Fish Meat
3585 hr and 4 min45151418709
Cooked Lamb Chop
Cooked Lamb Chop
2126 hr54131700850
Cooked Prime Meat
Cooked Prime Meat
2868 hr and 5 min743823361168
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
71510 hr and 24 min967530381519
Raw Meat
Raw Meat
42912 hr and 9 min1136535691785
Cooked Fish Meat
Cooked Fish Meat
214315 hr and 11 min1429044872244
Cooked Meat
Cooked Meat
85712 hr and 8 min1135135641782
Raw Fish Meat
Raw Fish Meat
107215 hr and 11 min1429744892245
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