Taming mult
Food Rate mult

Argentavis Food


The Favorite Kibble For (Argentavis) is (Superior Kibble) and if you feed him this your Argentavis will Effect (99%) .

QuantityTimeNarcoberryNarcoticsBio Toxin
Superior Kibble
Superior Kibble
1843 min000
Raw Mutton
Raw Mutton
381 hr and 25 min000
Raw Prime Meat
Raw Prime Meat
471 hr and 45 min902010
Raw Prime Fish Meat
Raw Prime Fish Meat
1172 hr and 11 min2285025
Cooked Lamb Chop
Cooked Lamb Chop
702 hr and 37 min3668040
Cooked Prime Meat
Cooked Prime Meat
943 hr and 31 min65514271
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
Cooked Prime Fish Meat
2344 hr and 30 min972211106
Raw Meat
Raw Meat
1405 hr and 15 min1210262131
Cooked Fish Meat
Cooked Fish Meat
7006 hr and 33 min1632354177
Cooked Meat
Cooked Meat
2805 hr and 15 min1210262131
Raw Fish Meat
Raw Fish Meat
3506 hr and 33 min1632354177
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